IPS / Edenred
Dear Vendor:
We wish to inform you that, effective IMMEDIATELY, in accordance with our objectives to continually improve our internal business processes and service to our vendors, HSC Property Management Corp. will only receive incoming invoices through a new central Accounts Payable function.
The Central Invoice Receipt Processing will be supported by our technology provider, Edenred Pay. Edenred Pay can receive invoices in many formats and through several receipt channels. The preferred method is the Edenred Pay Vendor Portal. The Edenred Pay Vendor Portal will provide you as a vendor and supplier the most secure, fastest and accountable means to submit invoices to HSC Management Corp. Edenred Pay can also receive invoices as an attachment to an email, if the Vendor Portal cannot be adopted quickly, or through traditional mail.
To summarize, the following methods are available to submit invoices:
1) Edenred Pay Vendor Portal - This is the Preferred Method.
2) Email - Only the attached invoice is processed. No emails are read or responded to!
3) Postal Mail
Instructions for each method are provided on the subsequent pages of this notice. Registering for, and using, the portal will provide you with valuable information including confirmation of receipt of invoice, issues with invoice, and invoice status (up until the time that it reaches our A/P system pending payment. This means no more missing or unreceived invoices. As a result, we urge you to take advantage of this free feature.
Thank you.
Josh Koppel
President HSC Management Corp.
Edenred Pay Vendor Portal (Preferred Method)
As the preferred method, the Edenred Pay Vendor Portal provides you with confirmation that your invoice has been received and can be processed by the quickest means possible. Please refer to the attached full instructions (Exhibit A) for registering and using the system. Vendor Portal Quick Reference Guide:
1. Enter the following URL into your browser: https://platform-bankunited.ipswrx.com/login
2. Click “Register Here”
3. Enter your user information and all of the applicable Portal Registration Keys (Portal Keys will only be required once, which is upon initial registration)
4. Click the “Register” Button and follow the registration steps to access the Portal
5. Click Upload icon to bring up the upload drop area
6. Click Upload icon to bring up the upload drop area and select the appropriate job
7. Click Upload to Submit Invoices
HSC Property Management Corp.
Vendor Portal Registration Key
Email Submission
HSC Property Management Corp.
Email Address
Paper Submission
HSC Property Management Corp.